2013年6月毕业于南京航空航天大学 有机化学专业 获理学硕士学位;
2019年6月毕业于复旦大学 微电子学与固体电子学专业 获理学博士学位;
Z. J. Ding, Y. P. Wang, W. J. Liu, S. J. Ding, M. R. Baklanov and D. W. Zhang. Characterization of PECVD ultralow dielectric constant porous SiOCH films using triethoxymethylsilane precursor and cinene porogen. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 51(11), 115103 (2018) (SCI, Impact Factor=2.707)
Z. J. Ding#, B. Zhu#, X. H. Wu, W. J. Liu, D. W. Zhang and S. J. Ding. Plasma-Enhanced Atomic Layer Deposition of Cobalt Films Using Co(EtCp)2 as a Metal Precursor. Nanoscale Research Letters. 14(1), 76 (2019) (SCI, Impact Factor=3.333)
Z. J. Ding, B. Zhu, W. J. Liu, S. J. Ding. Effect of NH3 plasma pulse time on atomic layer deposited TiN films using tetrakis-(dimethylamino) titanium as metal precursor. 58, SHHA02 (2019) Japanese Journal of Applied Physics.(SCI, Impact Factor=1.384)
Y. P Wang, Z. J. Ding. Q. X. Liu, W. J. Liu, S. J. Ding and D. W. Zhang. Plasma-assisted atomic layer deposition and post-annealing enhancement of low resistivity and oxygen-free nickel nano-films using nickelocene and ammonia precursors. Journal of Materials Chemistry C. 4 (47), 11059(2016) (SCI, Impact Factor=5.256)
Y. P Wang, Z. J. Ding. B. Zhu, W. J. Liu, S. J. Ding and D. W. Zhang. Atomic layer deposition of amorphous Ni-Ta-N films for Cu diffusion barrier. Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A. 36(3), 031502 (2018) (SCI, Impact Factor=1.314)
一种基于BTEM前驱体的超低介电常数薄膜及其制备方法 申请公布号:CN 104078420 A
一种SiCOH薄膜及其制备方法 申请公布号:CN 103258734 A
一种超低介电常数绝缘薄膜及其制备方法 申请公布号:CN 104008997 A
一种低介电常数材料前驱体的合成方法 申请公布号:CN 103159955 A
国家科技重大专项(02专项):超低k薄膜的制备和工艺兼容性研究,1204万,2011/1-2018/12 已结题
国家科技重大专项(02专项):原子层沉积超薄 Cu 互连阻挡层关键技术研究,1450万,2015/1-2019/12 在研